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Hi, We developed Native iOS application. Now trying to integrate Google pay. I am trying to use Tutorial for integrating Google Pay API on website. So trying to load the Html code given at tutorial inside WKWebView ( Tutorial link : ) The html code given at above link works inside desktop Safari browser on my Mac laptop. It shows Buy with G Pay button in browser . But when same Html is loaded inside WKWebView, it fails to show GPay button. It fails at Step-6 of above tutorial ( Determine readiness to pay with the Google Pay API ) I debugged and found that paymentsClient.isReadyToPay returns false. Documentation says that above function i.e., isReadyToPay()  determines if the Google Pay API is supported by the current device and browser ( in our case WKWebView) for specified payment methods. It indicates that WKWebView can not be used for Google Pay API. Queries : 1. Please let us know, whether we should look for some other way to implement Google Pay in iOS Native app. Has anyone succeeded in implementing Google Pay in iOS Native app using WKWebView? 2. Looking at the success of Safari browser, we thought of using SFSafariViewController . But it needs http url . But how can we get it ? We can keep my html file in app sandbox, but it will give me sandbox url and not http url.
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We have 7 apis calls on our home screen . We want our home screen to get loaded faster .We have used NSURLSession and use delegate approach to receive data. If maximumConcurrentOperations (of NSOperationQueue of NSURLSession) is not set to 1 then the dictionary (which gets filled with data in DidReceiveData callbacks) will get accessed by multiple concurrent tasks( operations) . Will dictionary usage get synchronized automatically ?
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Hi, We have used PKPaymentAuthorizationController for Apple Pay UI. Our app works in 11 countries. Q 1. I found that the NSDecimalNumber that we pass to grand total always considers device settings region and language while showing totals like subtotal, grand total etc. If I set device region to Spain and language to spanish then it always shows decimal comma (,)as decimal seperator .This happens even if we format/create the decimal number with US locale where decimal point (.) is used as decimal seperator. Is this expected behavior ? This is happening only for PKPaymentAuthorizationController UI. The other UI created in storyboards by developer take decimal point (.) when assigned to UILabels. Q.2 Can we achieve expected result by using PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController instead of PKPaymentAuthorizationController ?
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Till iOS 13.7 , we could successfully used OpenVPN protocol by importing .ovpn configuration inside OpenVPN mobile app. We upgraded our phone to iOS 14 and OpenVPN connection is not working . In fact it also blocks other sites like google as well. iOS 14 : Is there any way by which we can skip Open VPN protocol , can skip any third party VPN app and use other protocols like IKEv2 / IPsec / L2TP available in device settings. Can any one point me to a proper documentation explaining the details to be filled in settings for using any of IKEv2 / IPsec / L2TP protocols ? Is there any security threat in skipping Open VPN protocol and start using IKEv2 / IPsec / L2TP . Documentation of the same would be a great help for us.
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Hi,I want to receive notification inside my app when I add/remove a 'Sandbox test card' in wallet . Is it possible to get such notification ?We are using Sandbox test cards ( Visa/Discover) given at I am creating an instance of PKPassLibrary and calling its openPaymentSetup method . This transfers control to Wallet app as written at when I add a credit card through Wallet app, can my App get notifications for the same? My ViewController has registered for PKPassLibraryDidChangeNotification, PKPassLibraryRemotePaymentPassesDidChangeNotification as written at the call-backs are not getting hit when I add a sandbox card to wallet.
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Hi ,We have used UIToolbar inside our app. We have added UIBarButtonItems to that toolbar.Each UIBarButtonItem is initialized using CustomView. All CustomViews used for UIBarButtonItems are UIButtons except one.For one of the UIBarButtonItem, we derived a Custom view from UIView and inside its overridden Draw function we have drawn shapes.The toolbar loads fine very first time and shows shapes correctly.The overridden Draw function gets called.But when we reload tollbar by changing its buttons array, the overridden Draw function is not getting called. And a blank space is seen at that place because nothing gets drawn.The same code works fine for iOS < 13.What is the issue with iOS 13?
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We have created NSURLSession with default configuration. We used upload tasks for POST requests. We post certain string parameters in request body. When app is in foreground everything works fine.Q1. If we start a upload task and then push the app in background . If the task is incomplete when the app goes in background then how to add those tasks to background session for further completion? Do we need to use [session getTasksWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *dataTasks, NSArray *uploadTasks, NSArray *downloadTasks) to collect ongoing/completed tasks? Then iterate the arrays to check whether the task is complete or not and if not complted then create a new task with background session. Q2.Should we create task with background session right from beginning instead of using default configuration?If we do so then it will always execute in a separate process.Q3.Came across following information on Apple docs :”Only upload tasks from a file are supported (uploads from data instances or a stream fail after the app exits).”Our request body consists of NSData instances. Is there any other drawback in using these data instances other than the app exit scenario case?
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