
Post not yet marked as solved
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During importing a Chrome extension to Safari App Extension I've met strange issue when the content of an iframe is blocked by the page. I have selected the option `Safari opens with: All windows from last session` in the Safari’s config. For example, I have 4 opened windows in Safari. I close Safari and open again. Safari restores these 4 windows from the last session. The problem is that my extension can't load content into iframe if a site is opened in the first window. I have an error in console:[blocked] The page at about:blank was not allowed to display insecure content from safari-extension://extension.path/index.html?host= I open a current site in the new window then the iframe's content is loaded normally. I don't have this problem in other windows. It's doesn't depend on what site is opened in the first window. Reloading of the window doesn't help. But, I don't have this issue in Safari Technology Preview.So maybe anybody met this problem or can confirm that it's a bug of Safari and it will be fixed soon?Thanks.
by archi90.
Last updated