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Hi folks, we are stuck with new universal links on our domains, in particular we should open links for APAC market. Our site domain has non-latin chars in the path and so even the universal link should contain those values, e.g.レディース app-association-file 👇🏻 "/??/άνδρας" "/??/γυναίκα" "/??/レディース" Unfortunately they dont work, in any scenario we are not able to open the app. Do you know about a OS limitation with non-latin chars in the UL? Is it supported?
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Is there any option to access to archived IPA using env variables? Looking at docs we can access just to xcarchive, using: CI_AD_HOC_SIGNED_APP_PATH CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH CI_ARCHIVE_PATH CI_DEVELOPMENT_SIGNED_APP_PATH
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Hi guys, i'm encountering an issue that makes me crazy. Dunno if there's a solution available :D I have a main apps that imports a lot of local SPM modules; some of them are considered base common models, imported by other modules (e.g. Module1 is a base module with common resources for Module2 and Module3). Unfortunately when i import all the modules, all the resources inside the Module1 seems not loaded (not found!) correctly. Module1 (common model) targets: [ .target(name: Module1, dependencies: [], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Module2 targets: [ .target(name: Module2, dependencies: [ .byName(name: Module1), ], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Module3 targets: [ .target(name: Module3, dependencies: [ .byName(name: Module1), ], resources: [ .process("Resources") ]), Example of errors i'm encountering: Calls from main app (.workspace) with imported SPM Module1, 2, 3. Bundle.module.path(forResource: <xib file in Module1>, ofType: "nib") => nil Bundle.module.loadNibNamed(<xib file in Module1>, owner: self, options: nil)?.first as? UIView => nil Do you have any idea how to load correctly all the dependencies?
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