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Hi there - during the validation step we got this response from {"statusMessage":"Payment Services Exception merchantId=B61154FB60B2B4F0AECDC6D0D2D1A0AE94FC1FC20ECD2975B4D5F8DD3C6AXXXX unauthorized to process transactions on behalf of merchantId=B61154FB60B2B4F0AECDC6D0D2D1A0AE94FC1FC20ECD2975B4D5F8DD3C6AXXXX reason=\"B61154FB60B2B4F0AECDC6D0D2D1A0AE94FC1FC20ECD2975B4D5F8DD3C6AXXXX never authorized mass enablement transactions to occur via B61154FB60B2B4F0AECDC6D0D2D1A0AE94FC1FC20ECD2975B4D5F8DD3C6AXXXX\"","statusCode":"400"} (XXXX added to mask - notice how the merchantId is the same throughout) We got this error after we regenerated both certificate types using a new CSR from our PSP, Cardstream. I reverified our domain (it did generate a new file for .well-known, and it verified successfully). I am posting here in case someone has the same problem and is stuck. Here's the answer - you need to delete the domain completely. Reverifying is not enough. Delete the domain, add it again and verify it. It works. Have a good one everyone :-)
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