
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Hi!, I'm currently dealing with the following issue, is pretty annoying.I have an UITableViewCell class (i will call it LabelTableViewCell):// LabelTableViewCell.swift open class LabelTableViewCell: UITableViewCell { @IBOutlet public weak var label: UILabel! @IBOutlet public weak var textView: UITextView! } This class i on a framework that my app is using. Everything is fine, in code i can see the framework and even use the LabelTableViewCell. The problem comes when i try to override LabelTableViewCell in my app project. The xib of the subclass don't see the @IBOutlets that are defined in LabelTableViewCell.There is any way to fix this? there is any way to bypass it?. I need to connect these IBOutlets in my subclassed xib to change some appareance.Thanks!
by alagos.
Last updated