
Post marked as solved
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I'm trying to share the keychain of my main app with an app extension.In both places my entitlements are added to the main app target and my extension, both with the values "$(AppIdentifierPrefix)com.example.MyGroupName"I followed this [great] post on to debug the issue and found the following: <key>ApplicationIdentifierPrefix</key> <array> <string>SomeIdentifier1</string> </array>Of my mobileprovision.Whereas my extension expects the Team ID.How do I correct one of these so they both are using the same access group?
by adamc_at.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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We've implemented SIWA in our app and are authenticating the user in our back end service. It works correctly almost all of the time, but sporadically (a handful of requests each hour), the call to returns us a 404. We've tried to replicate this with invalid IDs, invalid tokens etc. to no avail. Does anyone know under what circumstance this call would return a 404?
by adamc_at.
Last updated