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Hi,In safari IOS 12, when I click a item on a webpage, Safari fires up this list of events:touchstarttouchendclickIn safari IOS 13 beta 4 (but it does the same thing since the beta 1), when I click on an item, Safari fires up this list of events:touchstarttouchend delay like 200 or 300msmousedown (NEW, this creates a second click…)clickThis seems like a broken behaviour and might have been introduced by the support of the mouse.
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2 Replies
Hi,In safari IOS 12, when I click a item on a webpage, Safari fires up this list of events:touchstarttouchendclickIn safari IOS 13 beta 4 (but it does the same thing since the beta 1), when I click on an item, Safari fires up this list of events:touchstarttouchenddelay like 200 or 300msmousedown (NEW, this creates a second click…)clickThis seems like a broken behaviour.
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