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Dear Developers,I am making an application in SWIFTUI that is even though useable without logging in, it is using a server with authenticated rest api calls so pretty much pointless. I am trying to figure out a proper way to implement user profile throughout the application with login screen, since many views will have its own rest api call with authentication tokens(correct me if its a bad methodology). The navigation bar would consist of a profile icon so the user can access its own profile anytime. This brings up two of my questions.First: -I only found ways like mainview -> body: if ($UserLoggedIn) view1 else view2. Is this really the way swiftui meant to be used? I find this a little less attractive due to profile icon at navigation bar, login anywhere and so on.Second: -How may I keep the authentication tokens throughout the application? I found Enviroment object in some stackoverflow like sites others offered Obserable object, Anybody could point out the actual difference? I would like to keep the user logged in (of course if the user toggles the button at login) so he/she does not have to type login information every time they enter the application. Keychain is the way it is used to be implemented?? It is really critical for security reasons, I would like to avoid these problems when hackers access your data.I would also accept any tutorials that you guys trust from a security standpoint, I study Computer Science, I look for rather advanced tutorials than how to create variables.ui.: I would rather avoid flutter and other 3rd party libraries, I challenge myself to swiftui for now.Thank you inadvance,I appreciate your time and effortZahovay
by Zahovay.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hello there,I would like to ask for a little help. I am working on a macos application for university hand-in, that is capable of drawing real time linegraph. Since the change in the frameworks (I'm already on macos Catalina) I would like to pre_adapt it to swift UI library. I looked at core graphics(seems like not made for the job), core image and alike also not made for simple 2D real time graphs(correct me if I'm wrong). Is it even possible to make a plotting linegraph application for macOs without going down to metal api and such or I should turn to 3rd party libraries?(I'm a newcomer, please be indulgent)Thank you for your help in advance, any help is welcome.Greetings,Zahovay
by Zahovay.
Last updated