
Post not yet marked as solved
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When I'm trying to copy a text from the FMP (FileMakerPro) and paste it to any textfield of my app, I'm getting asian symbols instead of copied text.It happens both when I'm launching a MacOS app, or an iOS app in the simulator.Seems like the FMP uses some kind of RTF the app cannot recognize. I tried to check the text from the pasteboard in different methods of a custom textfield class like shouldChangeCharactersIn of UITextFieldDelegate, or in textPasteConfigurationSupporting of UITextPasteDelegate, but I'm always getting symbolsPasting the same text into a SearchBar or any Text Field of any other apps like Slack, Apple Music, Browser works well.Also, Copy/Paste works well in app too when I'm copying RTF from browser, pdf files with different languages and rich text, so I'm not sure how to track the issueI was able to fix it on the iPad and tested on a simulator:let pasteBoard = UIPasteboard.general let options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey : Any] = [ .documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtf ] if let data = "public.rtf"), let attString = try? NSAttributedString(data: data, options: options, documentAttributes: nil){ return attString }But this code doesn't work on Mac OS. The app just stucks at this line let data = "public.rtf"),I was hoping to use NSPasteBoard to do the same trick, but NSPasteBoard is not allowed for Catalyst.Is there any way to fix it or I need to file a ticket for that bug?
by Woofych.
Last updated