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Hi, I'm trying to convert the following code snippet to Swift: NSURL* pathURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]; BOOL success = [pathURL setResourceValue:tags forKey:NSURLTagNamesKey error:&outError]; However, it looks like the equivalent is now blocked in the API definition - in the Xcode 12 Swift API declaration .tagNames (and allValues) are get-only properties of URLResourceValues (according to StackOverflow, they were mutable in the past). extension URL {     func setTagNames(_ tags: [String] ) {         var values = URLResourceValues()         values.tagNames = tags // Error here: Cannot assign to property: tagNames is get-only         try self.setResourceValues( values )     } } How can I set the tagNames? Thanks, Thomas
by TomE.
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Hi,I tried to imeplement some data clustering and separation algorithms with an Xcode playground - however I can't figure out how to create programmatically subfolders in *~/Documents/Shared Playground Data* as FileManager is not availabe in the playground. Any ideas? Thanks, Thomas
by TomE.
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Hi,I need to resolve a bunch of PHAssets for localIdentifiers from a CoreData database with a mostly in iCloud stored Photos library.Unfortunately on iOS 13 I don't receive all PHAssets when I try to fetch them and I don't receive any additional PHAssets via photoLibraryDidChange.For me it looks like a regression from iOS 12 / Xcode 10 SDK builds where I didn't have that issue so reproducible.When I leave the view controller and then fetch the remaining identifiers again a bit later I get another batch - usually 3 - more but usually not all of them. What do I need to do to resolve all identifiers?Code is similar to:class MyViewController { private var unresolvedAssets = [String: DCAsset]() private var resolveAssetsResult : PHFetchResult? = nil required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) PHPhotoLibrary.shared().register(self) } deinit { PHPhotoLibrary.shared().unregisterChangeObserver(self) } var lesson: DCLesson! { didSet { unresolvedAssets.removeAll() for asset in lesson.assets { if asset.localAsset == nil { unresolvedAssets[instance.localIdentifier] = asset } } let identifiers ={ return $0 } print("\(#function) resolving \(unresolvedAssets.count) assets: \(identifiers)") guard !unresolvedAssets.isEmpty else { return } let options = PHFetchOptions() resolveAssetsResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers:identifiers, options: options) updateUnresolvedAssets( resolveAssetsResult! ) } } func photoLibraryDidChange(_ changeInstance: PHChange) { DispatchQueue.main.sync { if let request = resolveAssetsResult, let changeDetails = changeInstance.changeDetails(for: request) { print( "Received changes: \(changeDetails.insertedObjects)" ) updateUnresolvedAssets( changeDetails.fetchResultAfterChanges ) } } } private func updateUnresolvedAssets( _ fetchResult: PHFetchResult ) { fetchResult.enumerateObjects{ phAsset, _, _ in if let dcAsset = self.unresolvedAssets[phAsset.localIdentifier] { print("setting localAsset for \(dcAsset.assetIdentifier!)") dcAsset.localAsset = phAsset self.unresolvedAssets[phAsset.localIdentifier] = nil } } } }The following partially logs the resultlesson resolving 9 assets: ["7412823B-7CFB-4538-B380-4F1DCE861A50/L0/001", "3DC75596-22E7-4EAA-A92B-8301C3BB41B6/L0/001", "F6211272-CE49-47BE-9181-31ABF65E737D/L0/001", "C9EC1F1F-AE7E-440A-877A-B37AEE59C1A3/L0/001", "83736D97-94D4-417D-B537-E5C9B1B7BC67/L0/001", "9671C852-8777-4B44-BCF9-F5AFB6C5F8C3/L0/001", "B8EA862B-9B91-4F30-ABC5-82132E848DEA/L0/001", "4287A790-E0E7-494C-B047-7080CDF0E0B9/L0/001", "99C1EF0C-8F31-40C5-8D4A-999280D29739/L0/001"]setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T15:02:25Z-140setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T14:55:26Z-17setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T15:05:13Z-28*** Navigate back and forthlesson resolving 6 assets: ["83736D97-94D4-417D-B537-E5C9B1B7BC67/L0/001", "084B2FBF-17F3-4520-ACD7-BCBFC3E74F0D/L0/001", "C60C84E8-E472-47FF-ADA3-DBAB82804792/L0/001", "3DC75596-22E7-4EAA-A92B-8301C3BB41B6/L0/001", "9671C852-8777-4B44-BCF9-F5AFB6C5F8C3/L0/001", "6EB5B8A7-92A3-4E18-AC7C-A86619CFEFF5/L0/001"]setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T14:55:45Z-11setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T14:54:53Z-9setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T14:55:06Z-17Received changes: []*** Navigate back and forthlesson resolving 3 assets: ["9671C852-8777-4B44-BCF9-F5AFB6C5F8C3/L0/001", "83736D97-94D4-417D-B537-E5C9B1B7BC67/L0/001", "287EBB67-BBBA-4FB9-AEAC-AC0ABD5A9132/L0/001"]setting localAsset for 2018-06-22T14:57:32Z-36
by TomE.
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Hi,I'm trying to debug an Swift 4.2 executable on an device with iOS 13.1 with Xcode 11.2.1.I`m hitting an local breakpoint and the try to *po* the local variable.It is shown on the left variable pane (without an value) and the name gets completed in the debugger console with tab.However I get the error messagepo assetsByIdentifier error: <EXPR>:3:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'assetsByIdentifier' assetsByIdentifier ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What can I check / do?
by TomE.
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Hi!Hope this is the right forum but I don't see anything more appropriate for ImageCaptureCore related questions.Has anybody got PTPIP camera access working on Mojave? Finally Bonjour advertized cameras are visible again in the Image Capture application, but I don't receive an connection on the listener.The implementation I have- works fine in macOS < 10.10,- on 10.11 the connection stalls after reading the camera date property- on 10.12 and 10.13 an advertized bonjour service is not displayed- on 10.14 it is displayed again but I don't see any connect to my listenerMinimal aample to reproduce in a macOS playground - when you- open,- select "shared devies", - expand- select the "Sample Server",you should see two messages with "New state:..." in the console (== Socket connection establishment). import Foundation import Network import PlaygroundSupport class PTPIPProtocolHandler { private var commandPacketsToSend = [Data]() private var commandConnection : NWConnection! = nil private var eventPacketsToSend = [Data]() private var eventConnection : NWConnection! = nil func readHeader(connection: NWConnection) { // Read exactly the length of the header let headerLength: Int = 12 connection.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: headerLength, maximumLength: headerLength) { (content, contentContext, isComplete, error) in Swift.print( "Received: \(content) error:\(error)" ) if let error = error { // } else { // Parse out body length var length = 0 var type = 0 var dataPhaseInfo = 0 content!.withUnsafeBytes() { (p: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) in length = Int( UInt32( littleEndian:p[0] ) ) type = Int( UInt32( littleEndian:p[1] ) ) dataPhaseInfo = Int( UInt32( littleEndian:p[2] ) ) } self.readPacket(connection, type:type, length: length) } } } func readPacket( _ connection: NWConnection, type: Int, length: Int ) { connection.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: length, maximumLength: length) { (content, contentContext, isComplete, error) in Swift.print( "Received data: \(content) error:\(error)" ) if let error = error { // } else { self.handle( connection, data: content!, type: type ) } } } func handle( _ connection: NWConnection, data: Data, type: Int ) { } } class PTPIPDevice : PTPIPProtocolHandler { let deviceName : String let bonjour : NWListener! let listenerQueue = DispatchQueue( label: "PTPIP Discovery" ) let newConnectionQueue = DispatchQueue( label: "PTPIP connectiom queue" ) private override init() { preconditionFailure( "Need an device name" ) } init?( name: String ) { deviceName = name var tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options() let tcpParameters = NWParameters(tls:nil, tcp:tcpOptions ) tcpParameters.prohibitExpensivePaths = true // tcpParameters.prohibitedInterfaceTypes = [.cellular, .loopback, .wifi] tcpParameters.requiredInterfaceType = .wiredEthernet if let port = NWEndpoint.Port( rawValue: 15740 ) { bonjour = try? NWListener(using: tcpParameters, on: port ) } else { bonjour = try? NWListener(using: .tcp ) } guard let listener = bonjour else { return nil } super.init() // Advertise a Bonjour service listener.service = NWListener.Service(name:name, type: "_ptp._tcp.") listener.newConnectionHandler = { (newConnection) in Swift.print( "New connection! \(newConnection.endpoint)" ) // Handle inbound connections newConnection.stateUpdateHandler = { [weak self] state in // .. handle state transitions print( "New State: \(state)") } newConnection.start( queue: self.newConnectionQueue ) self.readHeader(connection: newConnection ) } listener.stateUpdateHandler = { state in Swift.print( "New listener state \(state)" ) } listener.start( queue: listenerQueue ) } } let device = PTPIPDevice( name:"Sample Server" ) PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
by TomE.
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Hi,I*m trying to restrict Bonjour advertising to some interfaces - ideally IPv4 on en0.However, regardless how I configure the NWListener, I get all interfaces and ports advertised: let tcpOptions = NWProtocolTCP.Options() let tcpParameters = NWParameters(tls:nil, tcp:tcpOptions ) tcpParameters.prohibitExpensivePaths = true // Has no effect // tcpParameters.prohibitedInterfaceTypes = [.cellular, .loopback, .wifi] tcpParameters.requiredInterfaceType = .wiredEthernet // no effect either if let port = NWEndpoint.Port( rawValue: 15740 ) { bonjour = try? NWListener(using: tcpParameters, on: port ) } else { bonjour = try? NWListener(using: .tcp ) } // Advertise a Bonjour service listener.service = NWListener.Service(name:name, type: "_ptp._tcp.")How can I advertize only one or two interfaces?
by TomE.
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