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2 Replies
Hello,I have the following problem and I want to integrate sign in with apple on our website. We are currently trying it via JS, unfortunately we only get it in the object data {istrusted: false}. I have linked the code below. Maybe one of you can help me.// <br AppleID.auth.init({ clientId : '##.############.#######.#####', scope : 'name email', redirectURI : 'https://www.##########', state : 'fr2d30355d', usePopup : true //or false defaults to false }); document.addEventListener('AppleIDSignInOnSuccess', (data) => { alert("success") alert(JSON.stringify(AppleIDSignInOnSuccess)) }); //Listen for authorization failures document.addEventListener('AppleIDSignInOnFailure', (error) => { }); // ]]>Response: {"isTrusted":false}Thanks,Lucas
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