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I've got two CLIPS files imported in the instrpkg as follows:<production-system> <rule-path>reasonForWaitingToPlay.clp</rule-path> <rule-path>timeControlStatus.clp</rule-path> </production-system>All the rules in there are working fine, I've just added a 'speculate' defrule in each, for some reason only one will fire. If I comment it out, then the other one works:(defrule RECORDER::speculatively-record-reasonForWaitingToPlay-interval (speculate (event-horizon ?end)) (table (table-id ?output) (side append)) (table-attribute (table-id ?output) (has schema reason-for-waiting-to-play-interval)) (reasonForWaitingToPlay-update (time ?start) (state ?state)) => (bind ?duration (- ?end ?start)) (create-new-row ?output) (set-column start ?start) (set-column duration ?duration) (set-column state ?state) (set-column-narrative "recording reasonForWaitingToPlay for %start-time%, %string%" ?start ?state) )(defrule RECORDER::speculatively-record-timeControlStatus-interval (speculate (event-horizon ?end)) (table (table-id ?output) (side append)) (table-attribute (table-id ?output) (has schema time-control-status-interval)) (timeControlStatus-update (time ?start) (state ?state)) => (bind ?duration (- ?end ?start)) (create-new-row ?output) (set-column start ?start) (set-column duration ?duration) (set-column state ?state) (set-column-narrative "recording timeControlStatus for %start-time%, %string%" ?start ?state) )Looking at the examples, it seems like it should be possible for them to co-exist.
by TedB.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
I enjoyed the custom Instruments talks this year and I'm having a stab at creating one myself. I've got a bit stuck when trying to model state changes in a single enumeration. I could probably get this working using os_signpost intervals, but I'd like to know how to accomplish this using CLIPS.I want to end up with a series of facts which represent the start and end time of the enumeration being in a given state.At first glance, this is very similar to the 'ExecutionModeling' example in 'AdvancedModelers'. The difference is that is dealing with two distinct signposts, I've just got a single type with a varying state which I wish to thread together.Note in the code below, I've omitted the MODELER prefix and used a deftemplate for os-signpost - it's because I've been testing things out using the CLIPS IDE.I'm emitting an event signpost each time there is a state change within my code, this can be simplified to look like:(deftemplate signpost (slot time (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) )I'm trying to pair them up to generate state interval facts which look like:(deftemplate state-interval (slot start (type INTEGER)) (slot duration (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) )Given the input data:(signpost (time 0) (state "one")) (signpost (time 2) (state "two")) (signpost (time 5) (state "three")) (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))I'd expect to see the following output:(state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one")) (state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two")) (state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))My closest attempt so far looks like:(deftemplate signpost (slot time (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) ) (deftemplate state-update (slot time (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) ) (deftemplate state-interval (slot start (type INTEGER)) (slot duration (type INTEGER)) (slot state (type STRING)) ) (defrule update-state ?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state)) (not (state-update (time ?) (state ?))) => (retract ?signpost) (assert (state-update (time ?time) (state ?state))) ) (defrule pair-state ?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state)) ?update <- (state-update (time ?time1) (state ?state1)) => (modify ?update (time ?time) (state ?state)) (retract ?signpost) (bind ?duration (- ?time1 ?time)) (assert (state-interval (start ?time1) (duration ?duration) (state ?state1))) ) (deffacts sample-data (signpost (time 0) (state "one")) (signpost (time 2) (state "two")) (signpost (time 5) (state "three")) (signpost (time 10) (state "four")) )I get the following output after a (reset) (run) in CLIPS IDE:FIRE 1 update-state: f-4,* <== f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four")) ==> f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four")) ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5 ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5 ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-5 <== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* <== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,* <== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,* FIRE 2 pair-state: f-1,f-5 <== f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four")) <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5 <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5 ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-1,* ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,* ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* ==> f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one")) ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6 ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-6 ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6 <== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* <== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,* <== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,* <== f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one")) <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6 ==> f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four")) FIRE 3 pair-state: f-2,f-6 <== f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one")) <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6 ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,* ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* ==> f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two")) ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-8 ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8 <== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* <== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,* <== f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two")) <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8 ==> f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one")) FIRE 4 pair-state: f-3,f-8 <== f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two")) ==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* ==> f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three")) ==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10 <== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,* <== f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three")) <== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10 ==> f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two")) <== Focus MAIN 4 rules fired Run time is 0.00531400000909343 seconds. 752.728640036717 rules per second. 5 mean number of facts (5 maximum). 1 mean number of instances (1 maximum). 2 mean number of activations (4 maximum).Resulting in:CLIPS> (facts) f-0 (initial-fact) f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four")) f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one")) f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three")) f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two")) For a total of 5 facts.I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here. In my mind, I'm assuming that Xcode is going to be feeding me in these signpost facts sequentially over time.
by TedB.
Last updated