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We are working on app which turns on VPN when mobile is on wifi (in running, background and close state)When we turn on/off wifi after 3 minutes in background, we are unable to check the network status and restart the VPN Tunnel.Query - How can we check network change using Network Framework in background till the time app is in background mode?Note: - We are able to do this with the combination of location and background task but usage of location services is not in our requirement
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We are working on the app which requires the installation of SSL cert as root certificate.We did research and find out that there are two ways one is download & install cert with SFSafariViewController and other is to install with keychain services as .der file but i.e. for leaf certificate.Our approach - SFSafariViewController will make call to certificate hosted on server and user will download the cert and the prompted the permission to open settings to show you a configuration profile.Afterwards, in settings user has to manually install the certificate whereas we want to automate this process.Query - we wanted to automate the process of SSL root cert installation. Is there any way to do this or is there any another process to install root certificate instead of using SFSafariViewController?
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