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Just installed Xcode 11.5. Now I get a hard crash. No build errors. No runtime errors. Here's the error output. 2020-05-20 18:43:50.479256-0700 Web_Test[42330:11982154] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named WKWebView because no class named WKWebView was found; the class needs to be defined in source code or linked in from a library (ensure the class is part of the correct target)'Fixed the crash. Had to add WebKit.framework to Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries.Is this a bug with Xcode 11.5?
by Sixties.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
How do I center the pinch action between the two fingers? Currently the action center is always the center of the image independant of the location of the two fingers.
by Sixties.
Last updated