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Hello all,I'm thinking about buying my first macbook pro because I want to build iOS apps with xcode 11 and SwiftUI.I can't find system requirements for xcode but based on your experience what is the best hardware setup for macbook pro to build ios apps? I want the 15inch version for bigger area.I really don't like slow computers so I thought about throwing in the highest specs possible, but that might be overkill and overkills the budget too. 😂Is it better to buy a 6 core or 8 core? Is 32GB or RAM overkill or 16GB is perfectly enough? What about disk space, is 1TB enough for projects and IDE? Do I need a better GPU?I have no idea what the system and IDE requires iecause I've never had an apple computer.Thanks!
by SerggioC.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
xcode 11.2 crashes and closes almost every time when I select a VewController in storyboard editor and paste it. with cmd + c cmd + v Also happening in version 11.2.1What can be the problem?It's also messing the workspace file of the project when I work on the same project from multiple computers, and crashes at start. Need to open the file with a editor and remove the profiles...Also crashes and closes ramdomly.
by SerggioC.
Last updated