
Post not yet marked as solved
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We store PHAsset.localIdentifier for custom PHProjects (think image placements in slideshow). That identifier has completely changed in 10.15 for the same asset.In 10.14, PHAsset.localIdentifier looked like "v8+D93eWRrWTOVwVeboJPw/L0/001"After upgrading to 10.15, that same PHAsset.localIdentifier looks like "D2117FE3-3CC9-45D5-B0FA-E537890AFCFB/L0/001"I have scoured the documentation and cannot find any way to match the old localIdentifier with the new.Can we get the 10.15 asset with the 10.4 identifier?Or is there an identifier we should use in 10.14 that will survive the upgrade to 10.15?
by Roycroft.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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This is new to Catalina 10.15.1 update. When re-loading a project using PhotosUI api:resumeProject(with extensionContext: PHProjectExtensionContext, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { }extensionContext.project.projectExtensionData is empty!New projects create fine, however they cannot be reopened because the data is empty. All projects are affected. This is really, really bad news for users trying to create projects.The identical code works fine on 10.13.*, 10.14.*, and 10.15.0I have submitted a bug. Is there a work around to tech note somewhere?
by Roycroft.
Last updated