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Hi. iOS 10 has a new setting 'Temperature Unit'. Users can choose a temperature unit, independent of their Locale/Region.I had found this blog post, which explained how to get it's value: And it works great. I modified it a little bit so that it would be backwards compatible from iOS8 up to iOS10.However... When I submitted my app to Testflight, the app was rejected for the reason: "The app references non-public symbols in [app-name]: _NSLocaleTemperatureUnit"That's rather disappointing, because I know of no other way to find out what the user entered for this setting. I am 100% sure that users WILL change this setting, and then be disappointed that my app only looks at the region to determine if Celcius or Fahenrheit should be used.Is there any official solution for this predicament?Please check here what I did:
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I am having this problem where if I run my application, 4 out of 5 times I don't see any output appearing in the debugger window. It is wasting my time a lot, I have to restart my app multiple times before I can see any debugger output.I was having this problem once in a while with previous Xcode builds, but now it's becoming unbearable. Especially because I am currently testing the app startup flow.Any tips to fix this?Could it maybe be related to our app using `CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey`, which makes the app start in a slightly different way than normal use?
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Hi All,My app is saving Blood Pressure correlations and Heart Rate samples. Heart Rate samples save great to HealthKit. But Blood Pressure correlations do not save correctly, and I can't figure out why.According to the code and the SDK, my Blood Pressure correlations are fine, and saved fine as well. However, if I then go look in the Health app, I see:* On the dashboard, the latest saved Blood Pressure correlation is shown fine. Values are there and correct, and the date is correct as well.* On the dashboard, I also see the corresponding Heart Rate sample.* On the chart, if I touch the items, it looks as if my Blood Pressure correlation is part of the sample set (but I can't go more specific than one day).* If I select Show All Data, then I just don't see my samples! They're just not there in the list. Not even the one that's shown on the dashboard.For the Heart Rate sample, everything is fine.Authorization is correct, I authorized everything.But sometimes, if I delete the app and reinstall it, then it suddenly does work. I am stumped. What's going on and how do I fix this?* iPhone 8 Plus* iOS 12.2* Xcode 10.2.1Edit:My app is using multiple HealthStore instances. Shouldn't be a problem, right?
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