
Post not yet marked as solved
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Summary:Given an app which uses custom entitlements for provisioning profiles, as granted by Apple, Xcode is unable to configure automatic code signing for that app.It seems as though Xcode has no idea about the concept of custom entitlements granted to a specific provisioning profile, such as to Reproduce:Create an bundle ID on the dev portal and an app on iTunes Connect.Create a provisioning profile on the dev portal.Give that bundle ID/app privileges for the entitlement.Enable that entitlement for the provisioning profile.Configure the entitlements for your app in Xcode to contain the entitlement.Configure automatic code signing in Xcode.Build and run.Expected Results: Xcode creates and downloads a provisioning profile using the entitlement. The build succeeds as the provisioning profile's entitlements match the entitlements included in the application.Actual Results: Xcode creates and downloads a provisioning profile which does not contain the entitlement. The build fails as the provisioning profile's entitlements do not match the entitlements included in the application.
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