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I have some troubles with in app purchasing. I hope you can help me.What I have done:* I've uploaded my binaries to iTunes Connect.* I've created products in iTunes Connect. Product name - > Product ids: 1) TestProduct1 -> TestProduct1 2) TestProduct2 -> PrefixTestProduct2 3) com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_5 -> com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_5 4) com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_4 -> com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_4 5) com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_3 -> com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_3 6) com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_2 -> com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_2 7) com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_1 -> com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_1* All my products have status "Ready to Submit"* All my products have mark "Cleared for Sale"* My app in iTunes Connect has state "Prepare for Submission"* I assign may uploaded binnary app to Build in in iTunes Connect.* I connect all products to my app in iTunes Connect* WI-FI on my device is turned on* I create some Sandbox Testers* I enabled In-App Purchases for my App ID.* My project’s .plist Bundle ID match my App ID* I generated and installed a new provisioning profile for the appropriate App ID* Project code sign uses appropriate provisioning profile* I build for ios 8.0* I've tired to use the full product ID (com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_5) when making an SKProductRequest and also short version (ProductId_5)* I've waited several days since adding my product to iTunes Connect* I'v tried deleting the app from my device and reinstalling (with cleaning and rebuild)* My device doesn't jailbroken* I sign out in iTunes & App Store on my deviceWhat I have not done:* My bank details is not active on iTunes Connect? ("Contracts, Tax, and Banking Information") because I don't have them yet. But how I have red in apple documentation it is not necessary for sandbox testing.I'm trying to receive product information from itunes with this code:-(void)requestProUpgradeProductData { if ([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) { // Display a store to the user. NSLog(@"Display a store to the user."); } else { // Warn the user that purchases are disabled. NSLog(@"Warn the user that purchases are disabled."); } NSSet* productIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObjects: @"TestProduct1", @"TestProduct2", @"PrefixTestProduct2", @"com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_1", @"com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_2", @"com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_3", @"com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_4", @"com.MyCompanyName.MyAppName.ProductId_5", @"ProductId_1", @"ProductId_2", @"ProductId_3", @"ProductId_4", @"ProductId_5", nil]; productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:productIdentifiers]; productsRequest.delegate = self; [productsRequest start]; }-(void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest*) request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse*) response { NSArray* products = response.products; proUpgradeProduct = [products count] >= 1 ? [products firstObject] : nil; if (proUpgradeProduct) { NSLog(@"Product title: %@", proUpgradeProduct.localizedTitle); NSLog(@"Product description: %@", proUpgradeProduct.localizedDescription); NSLog(@"Product price: %@", proUpgradeProduct.price); NSLog(@"Product id: %@", proUpgradeProduct.productIdentifier); } for (NSString* invalidProductId in response.invalidProductIdentifiers) { NSLog(@"Invalid product id: %@", invalidProductId); } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kInAppPurchaseManagerProductsFetchedNotification object:self userInfo:nil]; }But unfortunately I receive respond with all my products in invalidProductIdentifiers.
by Nomadmain.
Last updated