
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
I have a fixed array is: let terms: [Int] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,18,24,36]. I wrote a function with parameter is an Int. I want to check the parameter that will map with multiple condition in there function. That's my function:"func configTerms(with term: Int) -> [String] { termConditions = ["A"] switch term { case 1...: termConditions.append("B") case 2...: termConditions.append("C") case 6... where term % 3 == 0: termConditions.append("D") case 12... where term % 6 == 0: termConditions.append("E") case 24... where term % 12 == 0: termConditions.append("F") default: print("Can't match any value") } return termConditions}"I can resolve it by using "if...else" control flow but the last condition will be very long and complex.I used "" control flow but it couldn't return result that i wanted.Example: When input was 12, function only returned ["A","B"] instead of ["A","B","C","D","E"]Everytime the condition matched, the "" breaked out and only returned ["A","B"]. I used fallthrough but it didn't check the next condition and executed next expression.How can i continue using "" in this case without using "if...else"?
by Ngocson.
Last updated