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I'm using AVAudioEngine to play AVAudioPCMBuffers. I'd like to synchronize some events with the playback. For example if the audio's frame position is >= some point && less than some point trigger some code. So I'm looking at - (void)installTapOnBus:(AVAudioNodeBus)bus bufferSize:(AVAudioFrameCount)bufferSize format:(AVAudioFormat * __nullable)format block:(AVAudioNodeTapBlock)tapBlock; Now I have frame positions calculated (predetermined before audio is scheduled I already made all necessary computations) . So I just need to fire code at certain points during playback: [playerNode installTapOnBus:bus bufferSize:bufferSize format:format block:^(AVAudioPCMBuffer * _Nonnull buffer, AVAudioTime * _Nonnull when) { //Inspect current audio here and fire... }]; [playerNode scheduleBuffer:fullbuffer atTime:startTime options:0 completionCallbackType:AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionDataPlayedBack completionHandler:^(AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallbackType callbackType) { // some code is here, not important to this question. }]; The problem I'm having is figuring out at what point in full buffer I'm at within the tap block. The tap block passes chunks (not the full audio buffer). I tried using the when parameter of the block to calculate the frame position relative to the entire audio but have be unsuccessful so far. I'm assuming the when parameter is relative to the buffer passed in the tap block (not my entire audio buffer I scheduled). Not installing a tap and just using a timer before scheduling my fullBuffer has given me good results but I'd rather avoid using a timer if possible and use sample time.
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I just upgraded to iOS 17 and it looks like AVSpeechSynthesizer is now broken. I noticed when feeding certain strings to AVSpeechUtterance it just dies flat out stops after only speaking a portion of the string. For example I fed it a string of approx. 1200 words and it speaks up to around 300 words or so and then just stops. The synthesizer delegate method -speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeechUtterance: is called when this happens, as if this is supposed to be the end even though it is not even close to being finishes. Was working fine on iOS 16. FWIW I create the AVSpeechUtterance with -initWithString:
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I'm trying to create a dynamic menu on Mac Catalyst. Using a UIBarButtonitem like so to make a "pull down" button: UIDeferredMenuElement *deferredmenuElement; deferredmenuElement = [UIDeferredMenuElement elementWithUncachedProvider:^(void (^ _Nonnull completion)(NSArray<UIMenuElement *> * _Nonnull)) { UIAction *actionOne = [UIAction actionWithTitle:@"Action One" image:nil identifier:nil handler:^(__kindof UIAction * _Nonnull action) { NSLog(@"action one fired."); }]; UIAction *actionTwo = [UIAction actionWithTitle:@"Action Two" image:nil identifier:nil handler:^(__kindof UIAction * _Nonnull action) { NSLog(@"action two fired."); }]; UIAction *actionThree = [UIAction actionWithTitle:@"Action Three" image:nil identifier:nil handler:^(__kindof UIAction * _Nonnull action) { NSLog(@"action three fired."); }]; completion(@[actionOne,actionTwo,actionThree]); }]; UIMenu *wrappedMenu = [UIMenu menuWithChildren:@[deferredmenuElement]]; UIBarButtonItem *uiBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithTitle:nil menu:wrappedMenu]; uiBarButtonItem.image = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"rectangle.and.pencil.and.ellipsis"]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems = @[uiBarButtonItem]; The button appears in the toolbar but when I click it to expose the menu I get a menu with on element in it that says "Loading...". The the uncached provider block is never called. Running Ventura 13.2.1 and Xcode 14.2.
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Configuration: I have a NSTextField (multiline) inside an NSWindow. I have another NSTextField (single line) inside an NSBox (which is in the same window). The multiline text field is first responder and is editing. I click on the single line text field inside the NSBox to edit that one. The NSWindow just closes. This is on Sonoma 14.2.1. I subclassed NSWindow and override the close method and put a breakpoint. Here's the call stack that leads to the window suddenly closing: #1 0x0000000189c73d90 in -[NSWindow __close] () #2 0x000000032343 in -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] () #3 0x0000000189b543ac in -[NSControl sendAction:to:] () #4 0x0000000189b542f0 in __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke () #5 0x0000000189b54218 in -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] () #6 0x0000000189b5413c in -[NSButtonCell _sendActionFrom:] () #7 0x0000000189c4c508 in __29-[NSButtonCell performClick:]_block_invoke () #8 0x0000000189c4c264 in -[NSButtonCell performClick:] () #9 0x0000000189b545a8 in -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] () #10 0x0000000189b543ac in -[NSControl sendAction:to:] () #11 0x0000000189befb48 in -[NSTextField textDidEndEditing:] () #12 0x0000000__CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ () #13 0x000000018625c65c in ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke () #14 0x000000018625c5a4 in _CFXRegistrationPost () #15 0x00000001861971dc in _CFXNotificationPost () #16 0x0000000187289ff0 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] () #17 0x0000000189bef754 in -[NSTextView(NSSharing) resignFirstResponder] () #18 0x0000000189a9fab8 in -[NSWindow _realMakeFirstResponder:] () #19 0x0000000189b4f18c in -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] () #20 0x0000000189ada79c in -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] () #21 0x0000000189ada45c in -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] () #22 0x000000018a1879f4 in -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] () #23 0x0000000189dd6908 in -[NSApplication _handleEvent:] () #24 0x00000001899a1d74 in -[NSApplication run] () The mouse click is no where near the close button in the title bar.
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I have a PCM audio buffer (AVAudioPCMFormatInt16). When I try to play it using AVPlayerNode / AVAudioEngine an exception is thrown: "[[busArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)element] setFormat:format error:&nsErr]: returned false, error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10868 (related thread If I convert the buffer to AVAudioPCMFormatFloat32 playback works. My questions are: Does AVAudioEngine / AVPlayerNode require AVAudioPCMBuffer to be in the Float32 format? Is there a way I can configure it to accept another format instead for my application? If 1 is YES is this documented anywhere? If 1 is YES is this required format subject to change at any point? Thanks! I was looking to watch the "AVAudioEngine in Practice" session video from WWDC 2014 but I can't find it anywhere (
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I just tried submitting an app to be notarized. This app is actually only used by me internally (but I have other apps this question would be relevant to) and I can't submit for notarization. I get the following error: "Hardened Runtime is not enabled." Is the Hardened Runtime now required? I know it used to be optional (I believe the last time I submitted an app update a few months ago outside the Mac App Store I got no such error).
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Okay so I'm getting this log every time I present a UIAlertController: Mac Catalyst: Presenting view controller <UIAlertController: 0x10f027000> from detached view controller <MyViewController: 0x10d104080> is not supported, and may result in incorrect safe area insets and a corrupt root presentation. Make sure <MyViewController: 0x10d104080> is in the view controller hierarchy before presenting from it. Will become a hard exception in a future release. A few points: MyViewController is not detached and the presentation shows just fine. I specifically check for this before presenting the alert controller like so: BOOL okayToPresentError = (self.isViewLoaded && self.view.window != nil); if (okayToPresentError) { [self presentErrorInAlertController:error]; } else { //Wait until view did appear. self.errorToPresentInViewDidAppear = error; } It spews out every time an error is fed back to my app and I present the alert controller (I can turn off the network connection and I show an alert controller with a "retry" button in it which will loop the error back so I can replay the error alert presentation over and over again) . Every time the alert controller is presented, I get this spewing in the console. Please don't start throwing hard exceptions because the check is faulty.
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For awhile I've wrapped OSLog in my own macros to include the line number and source file the logging statement originates from in debug mode because OSLog didn't include that info in console output (until recently). Now I noticed the source code file and line number of the logging statement isn't being shown (I have all the metadata switches turned on in Xcode's console "Metadata Options" popover). Then I realized it is being shown, only on mouse hover over the logging statement in very tiny text. The text is barely readable (on mouse hover). Why would viewing the line number require me to move the mouse cursor over a logging statement? It doesn't look pretty at all (hiding information behind mouse hover) and even if it did look pretty, this is the console for programmers and we don't care about such nonsense.
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Is there a way to link a prebuilt dylib that was built for the 'macOS' platform on Mac Catalyst without being warned by Xcode? Generally it would be better to just recompile for Mac Catalyst but this is a third party library and they have a complicated build system with dozens of dependencies that doesn't support Mac Catalyst as of now (although they have iOS and Mac 'regular'). So I would have to spend quite a bit of time trying to sort through their build system to make a Catalyst version myself. The library uses no platform specific UI code and I'm fairly certain that macOS build would work just fine on Mac Catalyst without any changes since it isn't UI related at all. It seems to work fine (apart from Xcode warning me about linking a .dylib built for macOS on Mac Catalyst). I could shim all this away in a NSBundle that is aware of the AppKit world but then I have to make all method calls to the third party framework on Mac Catalyst through the bundle and it would separate my iOS and Catalyst code relying on the same implementation which isn't great. Is there a way I could just replace the 'macOS' platform in the .dylib with macCatalyst to get rid of the warning?
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I have a multiple window Mac Catalyst app. I'm using a NSToolbar and the menu bar via UIMenuBuilder. I noticed after changing windows the menu bar isn't always validating properly. For example my app implements "Undo" and "redo". So I can reproduce the issue using these steps: Perform an action that can be undone. Open a new window. This new window has its own undo manager. In the Menu bar select Edit -> Undo Undo validates even though the current window has nothing on its local undo stack. If invoked undo is performed on the inactive window which definitely seems wrong. The same thing sometimes happens in reverse (that is, undo doesn't validate when it should after switching windows). This also happens with other actions after switching windows. Sometimes I can get the actions to validate by hitting the Tab key to move focus then shift tabbing back, which seems to force proper lookup in the responder chain (but sometimes that doesn't work). It seems that Catalyst is losing track of the real active window/window scene for some reason and is validating actions on the wrong window scene. Anyone experience this and know where I could be going wrong and/or know of a possible workaround? I tried subclassing UIApplication and implementing the methods there (and then forwarding them to the active UIWindowScene). However this doesn't work, the wrong window scene has its activationState set to UISceneActivationStateForegroundActive when the problem occurs.
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I'm trying to convert a PyTorch forward Transformer model to CoreML but am running into several issues, like these errors: "For mlprogram, inputs with infinite upper_bound is not allowed. Please set upper. bound" 570 • to a positive value in "RangeDim)" for the "inputs" param in ct.convert().' raise NotImplementedError ( 259 "inplace_ops pass doesn't yet support append op inside conditional" Are there any more samples besides The sample in that video an imageType is used as input but in my model text is the input (and the output). I also get warned that converting "torch script" is experimental but in the video it says it a torch script is required to convert (though I know the video is a few years old).
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Have an app I'm working on that stores an item in the keychain. Everything was was working fine. I have a button in the UI that allows the user to clear out the keychain item:NSDictionary *query = @{(__bridge id)kSecClass: (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword, (__bridge id)kSecAttrService: service, (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount: accountKey}; OSStatus status = SecItemDelete((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)(query));Status is -25244 which is errSecInvalidOwnerEdit. This app created the keychain item to begin with. What would be the appropriate way to handle this type of error?
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I'm aware signing in to an Apple ID on a macOS Virtual Machine is not supported, unfortunately. But is there a way to download Xcode from within the VM? I know the developer website used to have links where you could directly download Xcode outside the Mac App Store but I can't seem to find it?
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