
Post not yet marked as solved
7 Replies
Hi,We develop a professional creativity software that has some fairly non-trivial Metal shaders. We have a user-base in the thousands - not massive, but decent. It's an expensive software for a niche industry. Our software is a vital tool for our users and we work on this for a living since many years.We find enough Metal driver issues, causing all sorts of system crashes. We submit bug reports for everything we find.The problem is the feedback isn't good enough. We've got around 20 bugs submitted now, give and take, some that are complete showstoppers. At the moment we'd have to actively tell our users they will not be able to run our next release on macOS because chances that that they have a GPU with a driver that doesn't crash their system is just too small.It would be a lot easier to deal with this if the feedback on bug reports was better. Has anyone looked at the problem? Is it solvable? In the pipeline? Anything.I suppose the dev team is busy up over their ears with all driver issues and the best thing they can do is just dig into it - any time spent on developer relations is time taken from actually fixing issues.We're out of ideas and the future of our next product release for macOS is in jeopardy. Are we the only ones in this situation? Does anyone have any solutions, or is this simply what it is?/ Lars @ Capture
by LxLasso.
Last updated