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Both the Xcode sample project and developer guide lists a metal shader that makes use of a matrix to transform a Y'CbCr pixel into an R'G'B' pixel. I'm trying to understand the last column of that matrix which, as far as I can tell, shifts the values so that they line up between the eexpected 0...1 range.The docs for `capturedImage` also mention the transform only saying that "Unlike some uses of [ITU R. 601-4], ARKit captures full-range color space values, not video-range values. To correctly render these images on a device display, you'll need to access the luma and chroma planes of the pixel buffer and convert full-range YCbCr values to an sRGB (or ITU R. 709) format according to the ITU-T T.871 specification."The transform in question:const float4x4 ycbcrToRGBTransform = float4x4( float4(+1.0000f, +1.0000f, +1.0000f, +0.0000f), float4(+0.0000f, -0.3441f, +1.7720f, +0.0000f), float4(+1.4020f, -0.7141f, +0.0000f, +0.0000f), float4(-0.7010f, +0.5291f, -0.8860f, +1.0000f) );So, as far as I can tell the first three columns (or rows as they're formatted in code) are the same as the ones recommended in ITU-T T.871 and as discussed in the documentation for ARFrame.capturedImage.However, the last column is a mystery to me. It appears to be a translation thats's applied after the T.871 conversion, and apparently seems to subtract 0.701 from the R value, add 0.5291 to the G value, and subtract 0.886 from the B value.What's happening here? Is this to account for P3 color? Is there anyway we can get an idea of how to derive these values ourselves?
by Luxo.
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Post not yet marked as solved
5 Replies
I'm trying to work out the best way to handle a one-way binding with SwiftUI.There's lots of state that isn't two way. For example: if you have some view state that is derived from some deeper model state, it doesn't make sense for this to be settable within your view. Ideally it would be read-only.But then you might say, "well, just pass this state directly – you don't need a binding!".OK, but then how do you perform the equivalent of Binding's `animation(_:)` or `transaction(_:)` modifiers to perform some fancy explicit animation when your state updates?Maybe then you might say, "well, pass in a Publisher of that state instead and use `withAnimation(_:_:)` in an `onReceive(_:_:)` block".Right, but then how do I do the equivalent of State's '$myState.substate' trick to pass a derived publisher down from my original publisher? Am I not going to create a ton of overhead in the render tree creating tons of mapped publishers from my source publisher each time my view tree updates?
by Luxo.
Last updated