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I am setting up iCloud storage (Cloudkit) for my ios app and I am wondering wether or not the storage is granted per user, or per app? Will the records in the Container contain records from many user's, or are each one of them granted their own storage in the Container?
by Lelelo.
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How does Search kit work for different languages? Does the text content in SKDoument need to match the user's language, or is there maybe a pre step where content is analysed and language detected by api. For instance, can a chinese user search english documents, or will there need to be a separate translation handled as well by us developers, to turned the document into text, or translating the query of the Chinese user to English?
by Lelelo.
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My iOS app shows desktop uses (50%) in App Store Connect Trends, but I have never enabled Apple Silicon Mac Availability in Pricing and Availability section of my app. It should not be available on mac - why does the trends section say so?
by Lelelo.
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I have set up `UITextContentType` for my UITextFields to create a form with autocomplete. However the "predictive area" above the keyboard does not show on Danish, Swedish or Norwegian keyboards. It is shows in english and german keyboards and is not directly related to the `pedictive` on/off keyboard settings - since the UITextContentType autofill suggestion is shown in the predective area - even though the `predective` keyboard setting disabled on the phoneThis is on ios version 12.3.1I hope to get my form autofill work in the listed languages.
by Lelelo.
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Are the raw and filtered gyroscope data both in radians per second?With the raw data I mean the values given from CMMotionManager:motionManager.gyroData.rotationRateAnd with filtered I mean with CMDeviceMotion:motionManager.deviceMotion.rotationRate
by Lelelo.
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I am using to messure the magnetic field like a teslameter. And It seem to give the correct values. However when disturbing the phone with metal (creating changes in the magnetic field) - and the metal is removed. The value as if the metal is still there is printed out for sometimes up to 20 - 25 seconds. You would expect the values to immedtly return to what they where before the metal was there - when the metal is moved out of the way.Here is the code I am currently using[self->_motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame:CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXArbitraryCorrectedZVertical toQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] withHandler:^(CMDeviceMotion *deviceMotion, NSError *error) { double x = deviceMotion.magneticField.field.x; double y = deviceMotion.magneticField.field.y; double z = deviceMotion.magneticField.field.z; double t = sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z)); NSLog(@"startCalibratedMagnetometerUpdates: %f, %f, %f, %f", x, y, z, t); }];Also when comparing with a teslameter found on app store - that app does not get stuck when disturbed with metal - but has its values immediately returning when metal is being moved out of the way.What is creating this issue and how can I get my readings to be as responsive?
by Lelelo.
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I am wondering what unit is given by the magnetometer Does anyone know?
by Lelelo.
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