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I have just moved a large existing XCode workspace to XCode 10.2.1. In one of the MacOS projects, the target includes a "Copy Bundle Resources" build step to copy various files, including a number of PNG files. This has worked for years without problems on XCode 7 and earlier, but now I get a slew of the following pair or error messages:"unable to find utility "pngcrush", not a developer tool or in PATH"and"Command CopyPNGFile emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure""pngcrush" does exist in "/Applications/". The target does appear to build successfully despite the fact that errors arr reported. What can I do to fix this problem?Thank YouLarry
by LarryM.
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Post not yet marked as solved
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In our application, for interactive drawing in overlay windows, we call graphicsContext on the NSWindow to get the NSGraphicsContext, then CGContext on the NSGraphicsContext to get the CGContextRef and then do our drawing using Core Graphics calls ending with CGContextFlush() with the CGContextRef. This worked flawlessly for many versions of MacOS over the years, but now with OS 10.15, nothing appears in the window anymore. What do we have to now do differently to make drawing work?Thank YouLarry
by LarryM.
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I am in the process of moving an existing project to XCode 10.2 on Mojave, and I discovered a very disturbing behavior when converting a float to an int with the "-Ofast" compiler optimization option. In one of my C++ modules, I have the following statement:int nVal1 = (int)sqrt((float)nNumImgsOnPage);where nNumImgsOnPage is also declared as int.When nNumImgsOnPage == 1, this operation incorrectly returns 0 when the project is compiled with -Ofast and 1 when compiled with other optimzation levels.Is this a known bug in the Apple Clang compiler? Are there other such bugs?Thank YouLarry
by LarryM.
Last updated