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(I can't find PDFKit forum in Graphics and Games so posted this in Cocoa forum...)The Apple API isn't working on iOS 13.1, does anyone have the same issue or I did wrong way to use it.I tried to get a PDFPage from validPageIndex), the outcome page is with right index, and I set this page to PDFView.go(to: page) and the navigation isn't working.pdfView.autoScales = true pdfView.displayMode = .singlePageContinuous pdfView.displayDirection = .horizontal let validPageIndex: Int = 11 guard let targetPage = validPageIndex) else { return } print(targetPage.index) // Print 11 pdfView.go(to: targetPage) // The navigation doesn't workThe line pdfView.go(to: targetPage) was executed but the page in PDF file stay at first page. After tested vertical display direction and usePageViewController, seems it works on the two cases. But the request needs the display mode of PDFView is single continuous with horizontal display direction.
by KenWang.
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