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I am using the URLSessionDownloadTask to download files and want the ability to pause the downloads. I want to use downloadTask.cancel(byProducingResumeData:) to achieve this and get the partially downloaded data. I want to get the actual file data from this plist but there is no straightforward way to do this. I see that we have a string with .tmp file extension in the plist (For e.g: CFNetworkDownload_yBD90c.tmp) and want to use that value to construct the path in tmp folder. I have seen in few discussions that the structure of this plist is not a constant and has gone though revisions in the past. Can I rely on this way to get the actual data from the plist? Alternatively, can anyone suggest other approach for this? (as I can not use the resume data directly since the request gets modified and this will be rejected by the server due to security reasons)
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