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Hi there! I am developing a PersistentToken Extension to work in iOS > 14.0. The goal is to bring Digital Certificates (Personal identities to authenticate and digital sign) to the iPhone from external HSM. I Have created an iOS app that recover certificates from the device, insert them into the keychain   let tokenDriverConfiguration = TKTokenDriver.Configuration.driverConfigurations[TokenConfigurationName]   let tokenConfiguration:TKToken.Configuration! = tokenDriverConfiguration!.addTokenConfiguration(for: TokenName)   let elems: NSMutableArray = []   for (certid,certdata) in certs {     let certificate:SecCertificate = CreateCert(str: certdata.b64)!     let tokenKeychainCertificate:TKTokenKeychainCertificate! = TKTokenKeychainCertificate(certificate:certificate, objectID:certid)     tokenKeychainCertificate.setName(name: certdata.descr)     tokenKeychainCertificate.label=certdata.certname     elems.add(tokenKeychainCertificate!)           let tokenKeychainKey:TKTokenKeychainKey! = TKTokenKeychainKey(certificate:certificate, objectID:certid)     tokenKeychainKey.setName(name: certdata.descr)     tokenKeychainKey.canSign = true     tokenKeychainKey.label=certdata.certname     tokenKeychainKey.isSuitableForLogin = true     tokenKeychainKey.keyType = kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA as String     tokenKeychainKey.canDecrypt = true     tokenKeychainKey.canPerformKeyExchange = false     elems.add(tokenKeychainKey!)   }   tokenConfiguration.keychainItems = elems as! [TKTokenKeychainItem]; } That present the certificates to other applications. I also have created the Persistent Token Extension, but when trying to use the certificates to authenticate (in a webpage por example) the breakpoints set in xcode do not work. I have set a logger that works in the application, but no log in the token section In the entitlements, I have this: <dict> <key>keychain-access-groups</key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> </dict> </plist> When I try to debug with Safari, I get this error multiple times: 2022-08-12 13:14:50.616916+0200 MobileSafari[4092:8702247] [client] authentication failed repeatedly:, ac=<SecAccessControlRef: tkid(;od(true);osgn(true)>, op=osgn I also have readed the post where you tells Aekold to use a test app, but I cannot find any example or guide on the web about how to do it, may be, you can guide me. Thanks for all!
by Ivnosys.
Last updated