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At my company we have 2 accounts to distribute apps with, for ease of understanding one is "consumer apps" and the other is "business apps". We have an Account Holder for the consumer apps, "Steve". The business apps manager is leaving and we want "Steve" to be the Account Holder for the business apps as well. On the page where the business app manager would transfer the account to a new Account Holder, Steve is not a person we can select. Steve is an administrator for the business apps already. His account has been used successfully as the consumer apps Account Holder. We could transfer the business account holder to almost any other of the active accounts on the business team, including accounts with no credit card info. Can a person who is an account holder of 1 account, not be able to hold another account? That's the only thing I can think of, but I have not seen that mentioned anywhere yet.
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How will I be able to translate location purpose strings? Will it use InfoPlist.strings, or Localizable.strings? I assume that the purpose key will not be shown to the user. If I have my Info.plist set up as such: <key>NSLocationTemporaryUsageDescriptionDictionary</key> <dict> <key>Purpose1</key> <string>Purpose1TranslatedPhrase</string> <key>Purpose2</key> <string>Purpose2TranslatedPhrase</string> </dict> Should my InfoPlistStrings file look like?: "Purpose1TranslatedPhrase" = "We use your location to do a thing"; "Purpose2TranslatedPhrase" = "We use your location to do something very different"; Thanks
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How would I go about using (or even creating) a custom Cyrillic or Arabic font on iOS?I can successfully use my (Latin) custom font in iOS. But I do not have a Cyrillc or Arabic version of my font.What would I need to do to have the OS use a Cy/Ar version of my font? I guess I don't understand at all how the OS would "select" the alternate font version to use for a different language.Assuming I build it properly in a font tool (such as Fontographer/FontLab, or whatever the new version of a tool like that is), does the system know to use it if it's named with "CY" at the end of it? I assume there are more granular settings I must use when building the font... But how does iOS know to use it?I'm hoping the OS is sufficiently advanced that I don't have to do a switch/if-else on user's language setting to make a UIFont item of the correct font.Any pointing in the right direction appreciated.Thanks, Chris[this was also posted to / App Frameworks / Text and Fonts]
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How would I go about using (or even creating) a custom Cyrillic or Arabic font on iOS?I can successfully use my (Latin) custom font in iOS. But I do not have a Cyrillc or Arabic version of my font.What would I need to do to have the OS use a Cy/Ar version of my font? I guess I don't understand at all how the OS would "select" the alternate font version to use for a different language.Assuming I build it properly in a font tool (such as Fontographer, or whatever the new version of a tool like that is), does the system know to use it if it's named with "CY" at the end of it? I assume there are more granular settings I must use when building the font... But how does iOS know to use it?Thanks, Chris
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