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As stated in the title, the Apple Sign In view is showing the ipa file name instead of the app name on iOS 15.4.1, unlike on previous versions when it would show the app name. It doesn't happen on any older versions, just on iOS 15.4.1. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a way to fix/workaround it?
by Georgii11.
Last updated
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Hello,I am stuck on getting error code 1000 when trying to Sign In with Apple on a mac application. I am using macOS version 10.15.1 and XCode 11.1. The same code works fine on iOS devices.Relevant code bellow:@implementation AppleAuthenticationServices static NSViewController* s_gameViewController; @synthesize _isLoggedIn; @synthesize _userId; @synthesize _authorizationCode; @synthesize _name; - (id) init { self = [super init]; _isLoggedIn = false; _userId = nil; _identityToken = nil; _authorizationCode = nil; _name = nil; _appleProvider = [[ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider alloc] init]; _appleRequest = [_appleProvider createRequest]; [_appleRequest setRequestedScopes:@[ASAuthorizationScopeFullName]]; _appleController = [[ASAuthorizationController alloc] initWithAuthorizationRequests:@[_appleRequest]]; _appleController.delegate = self; return self; } - (void) dealloc { [_userId release]; [_identityToken release]; [_authorizationCode release]; [_name release]; [_appleController release]; [_appleRequest release]; [_appleProvider release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) login { _appleController.presentationContextProvider = self; [_appleController performRequests]; } - (void) authorizationController:(nonnull ASAuthorizationController *) authorizationController didCompleteWithAuthorization:(nonnull ASAuthorization *) authorization { //handle response } - (void) authorizationController:(nonnull ASAuthorizationController*) authorizationController didCompleteWithError:(NSError*)error { //handle errors } + (void) setGameViewController:(NSViewController*) gameViewController { s_gameViewController = gameViewController; } - (nonnull ASPresentationAnchor)presentationAnchorForAuthorizationController:(nonnull ASAuthorizationController *)controller { return s_gameViewController.view.window; } @endAnd the interface is declared in the header like this:@interface AppleAuthenticationServices : NSObject <ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate, ASAuthorizationControllerPresentationContextProviding>Some notes:- The s_gameViewController is my apps's main view controller which is set very early (I checked, it's not nil when the login is attempted), on iOS the above works even without setting the presentationContextProvider.- I triple checked and the capability is added to my project and provisioning.- I don't get any login view displayed, I get the error dirrectly.- The date & time is set to automaticAny clues? I am out of ideas on what else to try.Thanks in advance!
by Georgii11.
Last updated