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Hi I have been searching for this a lot and couldn't get an appropriet answer.I am trying to populate a collectionView with data received online using an API.Data is returned but the collectionView cellForItemaAt never runs because when I use print statements nothing gets displayed.I can't figure out what the problem is , I looked at these tow links but they werent't helpful : is the cellForItemAt method : func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell { collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "ItemCollectionViewCell", for: indexPath) as! ItemCollectionViewCell cell.ItemNameLabel.text = itemArray[indexPath.row].name print(itemArray[indexPath.row].name) cell.priceLable.text = itemArray[indexPath.row].price + " " + itemArray[indexPath.row].currency guard let url : URL = URL(string: itemArray[indexPath.row].image) else {return cell} cell.imageView.sd_setShowActivityIndicatorView(true) cell.imageView.sd_setIndicatorStyle(.gray) cell.imageView.sd_setImage(with: url, placeholderImage: UIImage(named:"placeholderImage"), options: .refreshCached, completed: nil) return cell } here is the method I use to retrieve the data : func getAllItemsApiMethod() { itemArray.removeAll() if Reachability.sharedInstance.connectedToNetwork() { if searchShops == true { PostDict = ["page" : pageNumber ,"text" : searchKeyword,"searchShop" : "1"] }else{ PostDict = ["page":"1","text":searchKeyword] } print(PostDict) StartIndicator() WebServices.getItemsMethod(url: itemsUrl, parameters: PostDict) { (JsonResponse) in print(JsonResponse) StopIndicator() let json : JSON = JSON(JsonResponse) self.updateItemData(json: json) print(json) } } else { FTIndicator.showToastMessage(Constant.NoInternet) } } func updateItemData (json : JSON) { let item = Item() for i in 0...json["data"].count - 1{ = json["data"][i]["title_ku"].stringValue item.price = json["data"][i]["price"].stringValue item.image = json["data"][i]["image"].stringValue item.currency = json["data"][i]["currency"].stringValue } // useItemsCell = true self.collectionViewHome.reloadData() }and here is the method i use to call the getAllItemsAPI : func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { guard let searchKeyword = txtFldSearch.text else {return false} getAllItemsApiMethod() collectionViewHome.reloadData() self.view.endEditing(true) txtFldSearch.text = "" return true }here is the numberOfItems method : func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return itemArray.count }I have been searching for quite sometime to find an answer. Any help is really appreciated
by Dyary.
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