
Post not yet marked as solved
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How can this be controlled? For example, I have 4 different options in my picker wheel (a blank “ ” option, BUDGET, MISC, and WORK ISSUE). If my current value of the picker wheel is BUDGET, and I call the adjustToPickerWheelValue() method to change it to MISC, I will get an error “UI Testing Failure – Internal error: unable to find current value ‘BUDGET, 2 of 4’ in possible values BUDGET, MISC, WORK ISSUE…”. It’s the “, 2 of 4” that is messing the value up. This is also the value of the picker wheel I see when I use the simulator’s accessibility inspector tool.Also...We have search fields embedded in the same component as our Segmented Control and the testing framework is unable to interact with it. If I record my actions in XCode, when I tap this search bar, it records the code app.tables.searchFields[“Search”].tap(), but this line does not execute properly. An error is raised that the framework cannot find the element. I have even tried to query the element by using app.descendantsMatchingType(.SearchField).element, but that still would not return the results I was looking for.
by Derekhie.
Last updated