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Hello, is it possible to change the account holder of a membership signed as "Company / Organization"? Is it possible to change the agreements to another member of the account (admin)? Can a developer account (company / organization) transfer apps to an individual account?
by Danny182.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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I am probably missing something but I can't make the NavigationLink work inside a List. I'm using NavigationLink(destination, tag, selection) And i would like to pop to the root view with a tap on a button as you can see in this sample project: 		@State var selectedView : Int? = nil var colors : [String]		= ["blue", "yellow", "green", "red", "black"] 		var body : some View { 				NavigationView { 						List { 								ForEach (colors.indices) 								{ 										index in NavigationLink ( 												destination : ColorDetail ( 														selectedView : self.$selectedView, 														color : colors [index] 												), 												tag : index, 												selection : self.$selectedView, 												label : {														 Text(colors[index])												 } 										) 								} 						} 				} 		} } struct ColorDetail : View { 		@Binding var selectedView : Int? var color : String var body : some View { 				VStack { 						Text (color) 						Text ("SelectedView: \(selectedView ?? 99)") 						Button ("set SelectedView to nil and go back") 						{								 self.selectedView = nil						 } 				} 		} } Why if I set selectedView to nil nothing happens? How can i pop to the root view (ContentVIew) from the ColorDetail on a button tap? Just copy this code and try it, it will build.
by Danny182.
Last updated