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Running Xcode 10.1’s command line tools on macOS 10.13.6. When building a bundle, I'm getting the following error:Assertion failed: (sizeBack == listSize), function _has_code_signature_extended_attribute, file /Library/Caches/, line 727.and I'm stuck trying to fix it.What I've tried:Restarting my Mac.Clearing the Xcode cache.Really clearing the Xcode cache by nuking the DerivedData directory.Really really clearing the Xcode cache by removing the org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache directory from /var/folders/**.Opening the project in Xcode and using its build command. The errors there are the same.Reinstalling Xcode.Any ideas what this error even means and how I can resolve it? I can't find any information on "" either, so I'm not sure exactly what list size comparison is being made!
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