
Post not yet marked as solved
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Here is a list of things that Mac Catalyst do not appear to be able to do. Does anyone else experience this ?- MultiPeer connectivity on Mac Catalyst will not connect to an ios device. catalyst ask to join , Then accept on ipad I get this message on Ipad and catatlyst stalls out . [MCNearbyServiceBrowser] Browser got invite response with nil connectionData.- Playing Sounds ( AVAudioPlayer ) on Mac Catalyst does not play audio.- Scheduling local notifications on Mac Catalyst does not work.- Selection of a UICollectionView Cell does not select on Mac Catalystlet selectedItems = colVw.indexPathsForSelectedItems // Works fine on ipad but always empty for MacCatalyst
by Art.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Where is container data kept for Mac Catalyst ? I Can find the container in the Xcode Devices and Simulator window. From there I can view or download the container. I Have searched for a while on the Mac as to where my iPad Catalyst build stores its data but have not found it. Does anyone know where the container can be found ??
by Art.
Last updated