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I have a question about the content of the custom NSDockTile view.  For example, I have several CALayers figures (pic 1) Initial information: First of all, I added green figure L on contentView's layer. Then I added figures R1 and R2. R1 and R2 are the same but the R1 figure has a Y offset (just several points). So I expect that R1 and R2 will cover green figure L. But because of interpolation, I can have an effect of the wrong overlay. I mean the case when figure L seems to cover figure R1. I have a custom view that I set here NSApp.dockTile.contentView and use NSApp.dockTile.display() to update the icon. pic 1 - figures Question: How can I manage the interpolation for the contentView? Should I create my own NSImage and set it as a dock icon?  Or will I get some results at the end? The main question is how can I fix or improve it.
by Anton.Ye.
Last updated
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Problem: Need to create an app (General) that will start/stop and manage other apps (Secondary). The general app will be only one, but secondary apps will be as many as user want. As well the general app should communicate with secondary apps. PS: The secondary app MUST start only as a separated instance app. Question: I want to know your thoughts, adviсes, and best practices for: Should I create one Xcode project with two targets (General and Secondary)? Or should I create two different Xcode projects? As for me: maybe one of the best solution will be the second one with using some ci/cd. What do you think? How the general app should communicate with second apps? As for me: Could Distributed Notifications helps in this situation? Thank you, I will be glad for any information, word, or sources.
by Anton.Ye.
Last updated