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Hi, How to see a views Autopsy in SwiftUI specially when views stacks together and over each other, like to see what area they occupy how they overlap understand why white space is here and there ? Maybe there's a tool or plug in ? I remember layers in UIKit, had such tool and feature in Xcode. Kindest Regards
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Hi I have a view I used it in the details section of SpliView and I want it to occupy the whole view, thing is it top area stopped responding and receiving taps ? is it a bug ? Kindest Regards
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Hi, How to remove a background color from segmented control ? in SwiftUI. Kindest Regards
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Hi, I added local source control for a project and I want to remove it how to do that ? disabling source control from Xcode settings will hide source control from other projects which I don't want, just removing this specific project from source control and deleting the repository . Kindest Regards
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Hi, I use the elbow code to toggle between English and Arabic locale, but the alert message always shows en_QA which is English I guess even when locale changed to Arabic ? why is that ? struct arview: View { @Environment(\.locale) private var locale @State private var showingAlert = false @State private var isLTR: Bool = false @State private var txtValue = "" var body: some View { VStack{ Text("Note Title") TextField("Place Holder", text: $txtValue) Button("Change Locale") { isLTR.toggle() } Button("Show Alert") { showingAlert = true } .alert("Current Locale: \(locale.identifier)", isPresented: $showingAlert) { Button("OK", role: .cancel) { } } } .padding() .environment (\.locale, isLTR ? Locale.init(identifier: "en" ) : Locale.init(identifier: "ar" )) } }
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Hi, When I use local Xcode source control and not connect to a cloud git I don't have the ability to merge branches ? if possible can you show hw please ? Also other features such as push, pull, cherry Pick isn't supported ? Kindest Regards
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Hi, The Car Kit Apple introduced recently is it a separate OS or what ? I mean how can I develop and deploy a whole new designed Car Info System and dashboards same as the designs Apple published last year ? Kindest Regards
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Hi, The fitness features such as distance moved, steps, calories burned is it in HealthKit or in a different kit ? couldn't find any API in HealthKit ? Also for example how can Apple Watch distinguish that this amount of steps was walked and not moved by a slow car or a scoter for example ? Kindest Regards
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Hi, How can I customize the Back Button in Column 2 "Content" in SplitView, like changing its color, label, icon ? Also is it possible to keep it visible even when Column 1 is shown and make it work like toggling showing and hiding Column 1 ? Kindest Regards
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Hi How can we add multi view to NavigationPath in one go like in code below maybe using something like path.append(mobiles.all) ? where all 3 views of mobiles Array get added at once ? Kindest Regards `struct NavigationPathView: View { var mobiles: [Mobiles] = [.init (name: "iPhone", imageName: "folder", color: .mint), .init (name: "Samsung", imageName: "pin", color: .pink), .init (name: "Mac Pro", imageName: "book", color: .gray)] @State var path = NavigationPath() var body: some View { NavigationStack (path: $path) { List { Section ("Platforms") { Button("Go To Platform") { path.append(mobiles.first!) } Button("Go To Mobile") { path.append(mobiles.last!) } Button("Add All Mobiles") { } } } } .navigationDestination(for: Mobiles.self) {mobile in ZStack { mobile.color.ignoresSafeArea() VStack { Image(systemName: mobile.imageName) Label (, systemImage: mobile.imageName) .font(.largeTitle).bold().foregroundColor(.white) Button("Go Home") { path.removeLast(path.count) } } } } } }
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Hi, when declaring variables or constants inside a Struct in SwiftUI projects is it by default private or internal ? seems little confusing cause I see some using the private word explicitly sometimes. Kindest Regards
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Hi, Is it recommended to use data and SwiftUI controls inside the NavigationStack or to use views as before ? I think views is easier to maintain or Im missing something ? cause I hear that the new way is to use data directly ? Kindest Regards
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