
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hello, Did anyone succeed to chose a specific Configuration from the Test Plan to be used for running tests using Test Plans on a Xcode Bot? I tried multiple possibilities with no success. We can pass to xcodebuild the following parameter and it will run the desired test plan "test -testPlan NameOfTheTestPlan", but if there is only one configuration under the test plan , all the tests will run twice because of the default "Share Configurations" Any ideas? Thanks!
by Alecs2588.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hello,I was wondering if there is a way to configure an Xcode Bot to run a specific Test Plan(new funcionality in Xcode 11) so that I can create different bots to run at different times for the same scheme(e.g. The smoke suite to run daily and the regression suite only when master code has a change in it).In the bot configuration there is only the option to select the scheme and cannot select a specific test plan.In the latest WWDC19 there is a xcodebuild command that can be used to run a specific test plan. I tried to use is in the "Arguments" and "Triggers" Bot's configuration menu but with no luck. "$ xcodebuild -project XCTestPlan.xcodeproj/ -scheme XCTestPlan -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=13.0,name=iPhone XR' test -testPlan functional"Did someone tried and succeded this?Thanks!
by Alecs2588.
Last updated