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Hi. I'm trying to setup tab bar item text appearances, but the global UITabBarItem isn't accepting them I mad a very simple assignment case, to verify this bug where this line of code fails UITabBarItem.appearance() = UITabBarItemAppearance() with Cannot assign value of type 'UITabBarItemAppearance' to type 'UITabBarItem' You can see I'm assigning to a UITabBarItemAppearance, not a UITabBarItem. I'm making these changes as part of updating to Xcode 13, because my bar items now appear faded when normal and I want them to appear black. The font is also no longer bold. It works properly when building through any Xcode lower than 13. Before I could just do: UITabBarItem().appeareance().setTitleTextAttributes([attributes here], for: <state>) Now it doesn't work due to scrollEdgeAppearance becoming necessary to set. Even if I set that in a storyboard, the appearance doesn't take effect with the above code.
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Hi. I'm attempting to add the YOLOv3 MLModel from the main domain to my project. I downloaded the .mlmodel file and added it to my project, but whenever I go to make an MLModel object of it, it keeps coming back with the following error Error Code=3 "Error reading protobuf spec. validator error: Model specification version field missing or corrupt." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error reading protobuf spec. validator error: Model specification version field missing or corrupt.} This is just by calling try MLModel.compileModel(at: url), where url is determined by Bundle.main.url(forResource: "YOLOv3", withExtension: "mlmodelc") I don't understand why this is happening.
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Hi. I've been trying to make an ed25519 key pair from already existing keys, which has been giving me significant issues. I made an ed25519 key pair through OpenSSH (the keygen command), and attempted to input the private and public keys into the Curve25519 object. They keep giving me back CryptoKit Error 1, which has no further description. So I also tried to generate keys with Curve25519, but I cannot make a string representation of them. I always get 'nil' back trying to utf8 encode them into Strings from Data, but I can base64 encode them successfully. I need the original String representation. So how do I add already existing ed25519 keys, and how do I get String representations of ones I generate with Curve25519?
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Hi.I've made an application that utilizes Apple health records, and the permissions screen to enable accessing records has a link to view a privacy policy. I've got a link to the policy in itunes connect, and I can access outside the app, but whenever I download a build from testflight and try to view it from the permissions screen, I keep getting "Network connection could not be established. Try again later." Since the privacy policy link is established through itunes connect, it would explain why I get this error in local development builds, but why is this happening in Testflight builds too?
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