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Been using critical alerts and its been working fine since setup. Currently using a service that handles the alarm sound.Noticed that the critical alert will blast full volume even if the user was in a call which can be pretty harmful for the ear(I feel like this should not be allowed to happen and needs a fix?).To counter this I used the notificationservice to set the volume if a phone call is detected.This works fine except the volume itself differs alot between the models, iPhone X can be on the point to for loud for the ear if in phone call where the iPhone 8 would be close to inaudible. One way is to set volume after device but doesnt seem future proof at all.I looked a bit at this then decided that maybe I should introduce a repetetive vibration feedback instead. Along with the sound.So I implemented the vibration and made it vibrate 5 times to begin with. It worked with the iPhone 8, it made notification sound and vibrated but on the iPhone x it would not vibrate unless I muted it during the sound.Tried dispatch to other thread but still did not work.
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