An In-App Purchase has been returned

There is a warning message displays in my itune connect's In App Purchase page but there is nothing highlighted in the table. This is very stange. Is there anyone having the same problem? Or can anyone help?


The message is "An In-App Purchase has been returned and is highlighted in the table below."

Seeing this as well today -- on an App which does not even feature IAP.

Yes, I see the same on all my apps (some without in-apps) and without anything highlighted

Me too.

I have the same error message and there is no highlighted row in the table. Also I can't manage to send a new in app purchase to review. When I presses the button "Submit For Review" I am always received the following erro rmessage "You must upload a screenshot before submitting an In-App Purchase for review" But I am sure I uploaded screenshot.

Do you have any opinion about this problem?


Yes seeing that as well. Not sure if its an error or not but it did remind me that I need to deal with in-app purchase return. Does anyone know which function handles that?

same problem here! App is on Pending Developer Release, but can't release it

Same problem... Please. Whats the sollution?

I'm having the same issue. I hope this doesn't effect my app being accepted!

Same issue. I have 4 apps, each with one in-app purchase (unlocking full version).

In-apps status is approved, nothing are highlighted and stats told me that at least yesterday there were sales.

Hope it's temporarily itunes bug.

Clearly something is going on, and of course this happens when I'm just about to submit my first app. Some of us are not pros at this coding stuff and seriously cant be dealing with this right now. It is expected to work on your end so that I don't assume that it is something I have done. I have tried creating multiple iAP's for multiple different apps and this message shows up the second I create an iAP. Nothing is even highlighted. Come on Apple...Why doesn't your products just work huh?

Same here, also just before I wanted to release a new App. The funny thing is that my IAP Sandbox Testing is messed up as well, transactions wouldn't download hosted content or they are not appriately finished when I call it in the payment queue. Something is fishy here.

Same thing here. And coincidentally, since that message appeared I have sold zero IAPs in my app, which is highly unusual. Does anybody have any idea what's going on?

I had a big drop in sales on last Sunday, and thought that discussed issue was a reason (looks like I've got a few sales before accident happened and zero after), but on Monday I had new sales in usual range for this day (but still at the bottom border of range).

Will try to test sales on my friend's device tommorow.

Guess we have to contact Apple support with this issue cause it doesn't tend to magically disappear.

Has anyone found any solution to this or reason why its happening? I'm experiencing the same issue with my app that is close to release.