- (void)getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler: not working as expected

The complications themselves are displaying the correct information, but the scheduled update doesn't seem to be working. Here is a sample implementation that is intended to be issued after 30 minutes:

- (void)getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler:(void(^)(NSDate * __nullable updateDate))handler {

handler([NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1800]);


I placed a breakpoint and log statements inside -requestedUpdateDidBegin, but they are not firing even well after the intended time.


I've observed the same thing: getNextRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler gets called, the app reports the update date, but requestedUpdateDidBegin never gets called again. This is with the watchOS 2 GM.

My app is requested an update 12 hours after the current time; I think the 30 minutes is too short an interval. From the documentation:

ClockKit calls the

method to get the time for the next scheduled update. Specify a date as far into the future as you can manage. Do not ask the system to update your complication within minutes. Instead, provide data to last for many hours or for an entire day.


Yep, I'm seeing the same thing as well. requestedUpdateDidBegin doesn't get called.

Did you manage to get it to work with the latest version (9.1 - 13B5110e)?

I'm trying desperatly and requestedUpdateDidBegin seems to be never called...

My app is being reviewed by Apple and now I realized the date in my complication doesn't get updated. Is this an issue in the release version of Watch OS 2?