Missing BCSymbolMap for AppStore Submission - Xcode7B5

Does anyone has a clue what Xcode is trying to tell me?

"The archive did not contain <DVTFilePath:0x7f88ca959ef0:'/Users/mobileserver/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-08-17/Project 2015-08-17 14.46.29.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/DCF72CBF-7889-372D-B549-2CFA181C32CA.bcsymbolmap'> as expected."


Having the same problem. Im using Xcode 7 Beta 5. Any news?

No, I'm sorry. Can you explain me your Xcode project setup?

I have a project based on an xcproject file (not a workspace) and a integrated Project which builds a private framework. We also have a WatchOS 2 app / extension in the app. Maybe we can track it down somehow.



I have to disable "Include bitcode for iOS targets" and the validation check works fine, but I'd like to submit with bitcode. I will investage further as soon as we have the Xcode7 GM.

Thanks this worked for me! 🙂

Hi Andreas,

My team and I are still experiencing this even with the GM. Have you discovered anything new?

I have also that error message during submission, with XCode 7 GM. The submission works unchecking symbolication. There is some issue with symbolication apparently. So I can submit, but without symbolication it's not possible to have crash reports.

Did anybody discover anything new? Is that a XCode 7 bug or is there anything else behind?

It's likely you built your app with Enable Bitcode set to NO in build settings.

Then, in the app submission window, you had "include bitcode" checked, which is now at the bottom of the window. Uncheck that and it should submit. Enable bitcode in your build settings if you want to then submit with bitcode.

Same problem here.

This solves my problem. Thanks!

Exact same problem here. I thought it might be because I am using Carthage and was not copying my dSYM files into my product. So I fixed that issue, per the carthage docs, No love still. Get the same error.

Ah! When I uncheck the `Include Bit Code` option as mentioned here everything is fine. So I am going to assume that the problem lies in one of my dependant frameworks being complied without Bit Code enabled.

I have the same problem -- BUT mine started when I un-checked "Enable Bitcode" in the build settings then tried to turn it back on. Now trying to upload to iTC via Xcode fails unless I uncheck the bitcode flag in the validation menu. If I turn it off in build settings then during validation and upload to iTC will still randomly fail unless I also uncheck the little check box in the export/upload dialog

I have the same issue, I use a private framework, but both in the framework and in the app the field "Enable Bitcode" is set to "Yes".

Disabling the flag "including bitcode" result in a very long period of the state "elaboration in progress" in itunes connect.

Any other suggestion?

I'm useing xcode 7.0

Not sure if this will help anybody, but I'm in the same situation as you—compiling with embedded frameworks (which do have bitcode enabled), and ending up with this error during validation. I tried half a dozen things across the Internet and this post seems to be closest to finding the solution, but I'd like to know if there's a way to keep bitcode enabled!

I'm facing the exact same problem.

I can upload only if I uncheck "Include App Symbols....".

However, the archive does contain DSYMs and all build settings are correct re: symbols.

This looks like a bug.

Validation succeeds if "Include app symbols" is checked, OR "Include bitcode" is checked, but not both! This is only informed speculation, but it seems like when you compile with Bitcode, there are no app symbols since your code is in an intermediate representation at that point. If that's true, it doesn't make sense to have both of these checked. Maybe they should be radio buttons. Either way, there's definitely an Xcode bug because at the very least we should get a more semantic error message if this is true, and worst case, it's compiling our apps incorrectly! I'm just going to go ahead and submit with Bitcode enabled and see if I can download crash logs after the fact since mine is just a hobby app 😝