requestImageForAsset resultHandler provides nil resultImage

I'm finding this API is returning nil for the resultImage in iOS 9, even after it was previously called with a non-nil resultImage. Other times it'll never return a higher quality image. So at times my app is showing no image or a blurry image in my collection view cells. How can this be resolved?

imageManager.requestImageForAsset(asset, targetSize: thumbnailSize, contentMode: .AspectFill, options: requestOptions, resultHandler: { (let resultImage: UIImage?, _) -> Void in {
   cell.imageView.image = resultImage


Have you tried printing out the info dictionary in the callback to see if there are errors / other messages?

For example, it might be that you have networkAccessAllowed turned off and the photo is in the cloud.

It could also be that this is a bug - Apple is definitely still ironing out PhotoKit (see,, all similar issues)requestImageDataForAsset fails with no error'requestImageForAsset' often returns nil for iCloud Photo Library

If this issue is still persisting in the public seed, please file a bug at with as much detail as possible in recreating the bug, and ideally including a sample project. Thanks!

I am still seeing this with iOS 9.1 beta 4, exactly as described in my bug report I filed August 8th, which includes a very simple sample application that very clearly demonstrates the issue...


When the image is nil, there is indeed an error, but it's certainly not very telling: PHImageErrorKey: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=-1 "(null)"