Clarification on WatchOS Status Icon


I'm trying to understand how the Watch OS Status Icon chooses which status to display (if multiple are available) and when it cycles vs not.

The status icon is the icon in the top center of the screen, see this Apple link for a list of status icons on Apple Watch:

As an example, when you get a notification the red notification icon takes over this status icon space until the notification is cleared. In situations where there are multiple icons, such as during a workout, you can have multiple status' (notif and workout, or notif and location use).

I am trying to understand how the system works in this multiple status case.

For example, I would have thought Notification is the most important status and so that satus would rise to the top if recieved, however in my expereince workout or location use continue to appear on top hiding the notification status.

I think most users would appreciate if notification status took over the status icon and where cycling occured it would then show the secondary status'.

Hope this makes sense.


Not all icons are displayed at center top.

Many are only displayed when you show control center (swipe from bottom of screen upward).

Details here in Apple's doc:

I could not find any information on display precedence, even less whether it's possible to change or not.

You should:

- ask question to Apple's suppport

- depending on answer, filea feedback for improvement (of documentation and / or functionality).

Did this clarify ?

Thanks for the response, however all that you have mentioned is already known. I am specifically asking about status icon display precedence and icon cycling in the Watch face.

The status in the control center is unrelated.