Compilation - Multiple defined issue

I was trying to compile WebDriver for QML on Mac. With *** the above source generates xcode project files.

When I try to compile project in xcode, I get multiple defined error for (FILE), where they are defining

. (This they have taken from NSPathUtilities.h.)



// Adapted from NSPathUtilities.h and NSObjCRuntime.h.
#if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
typedef unsigned long NSSearchPathDirectory;
typedef unsigned long NSSearchPathDomainMask;
typedef unsigned int NSSearchPathDirectory;
typedef unsigned int NSSearchPathDomainMask;

When I remove this declaration, it is giving not defined error.

I dont know where to start. I am compiling first timein mac with xcode. Any suggestions, pointers would be helpful.


May be you should contact directly those who provide the libraries ?

Those cross-platform build tools are a nightmare to use. This is not the project you want to start learning Xcode with. You will need to be a real expert with Xcode to use this.

PS: I went to look up QML to see what that was and it is Qt. Qt is just a train wreck of a project. Avoid it at all costs.