deviceMotion rotationRate is null on iOS 13.4


I use devicemotion event to access gyroscope on Safari since iOS 11.

History :

- On iOS 11 / 12, gyroscope access is open and just need to listen devicemotion event.

- Starting on iOS 12.2, Apple has blocked gyroscope access and you need to activate an option on safari settings

- Since iOS 13, Apple has implemented the "DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission" to ask gyroscope access and when user agree, devicemotion event has the key "rotationRate" with alpha / beta / gamma values (before agreed, value is null).

Problem :

On iOS 13.4 with no code change on my side and on all my projects using this feature, rotationRate is always null even if user agree gyroscope access.

I searched for an official answer from Apple but nothing available.

It looks like a bug but maybe implementation on my side is wrong ?

Good to know on my code :

First, I listen devicemotion event (with rotationRate null), when interface is ready, user clicks on a button, gyroscope access asked and rotationRate has values.

Any ideas ?

PS : sorry for my bad english 😉


Same thing here. It was working before I updated to 13.4.1.

Could something have changed with the way you get permission?

you need a ssl server.
https://your domain~~~