GKNoiseMap interpolatedValueAtPosition - how does it work?

I'm trying to understand the interpolated version of GKNoiseMap's valueAtPosition, but it's giving me an exceedingly hard time.

When I set up a Noise Map to sampla with a size (1,1) starting at (0,0) using 256 samples, I can get the value of the sample with valueAtPosition.

Now, however, I want to sample the values in-between (imaginge I'm walking between the sample points and the value represents the height of the floor). The documentation is quite explicit: I am to sample the position which is to be between the origin and size (not samplesize) - in my case the position must be between (0..1), (0..1). But no matter what I do, all values return -1.

So, I though, mabe the docs are wrong, and I need to use positional values (floats) in the range of 0..sampleSize. But no, all I receive is -1 as values, with a few exceptions.

So clearly I'm doing something wrong. What is the correct way to use interpolatedValueAtPosition?

Thanks for anyhelp.


Please show your code.

Thanks for looking into this! Here's a demo method that demonstartes the issue:

- (void) testNoiseMap{
   GKNoiseSource *theSource;
   float freq = 1;
   NSInteger octaves = 3;
   float pers = 0.75;
   float lacu = 4.2;
   int32_t seed = 0;
   theSource = [GKPerlinNoiseSource perlinNoiseSourceWithFrequency:freq octaveCount:octaves persistence:pers lacunarity:lacu seed:seed];
   NSDictionary *theGrads;
           theGrads = @{
              @-1   : [[self color0] color], // black
               @1   : [[self color1] color], // white
   GKNoise *theNoise = [GKNoise noiseWithNoiseSource:theSource gradientColors:theGrads];
    vector_double2 vSize;
    vSize.x = 256;
    vSize.y = 256;
    vector_double2 vSizeFixed = {1.0, 1.0};
    vector_int2 sampleSize = {vSize.x, vSize.y};
    vector_double2 orig = {0, 0};
    GKNoiseMap *theMap = [GKNoiseMap noiseMapWithNoise:theNoise

    // this works: returns perlin values -1..+1
    int x = 0;
    while (x < 20) {
        vector_int2 pos = {x, 0};
        NSLog(@"sample val is %f", [theMap valueAtPosition:pos]);

    // does NOT work
    // always returns -1
    x = 0;
    while (x < 20) {
        vector_float2 fpos = {x / 256.0, 0};
        NSLog(@"sample val is %f", [theMap interpolatedValueAtPosition:fpos]);


When you run it, you'll see that the valueAtPosition works flawlessly, but sampling via interpolated always returns -1

020-04-06 19:54:15.658556+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is 0.000000

2020-04-06 19:54:19.946082+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -0.031727

2020-04-06 19:54:21.450169+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -0.059578

2020-04-06 19:54:22.360135+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -0.083551


2020-04-06 19:54:46.453443+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -1.000000

2020-04-06 19:54:47.783488+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -1.000000

2020-04-06 19:54:48.541423+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -1.000000

2020-04-06 19:54:49.337322+0200 noiseexplorer[1994:711977] sample val is -1.000000

Thanks for any hints on what I'm doing wrong.


Thanks for showing your code. Your code can easily reproduce the issue on iOS simulatros, some actual iPhone and macOS app.

I'm not sure if I may be mistaking the spec of the method, but for me this issue seems to be a bug of GameplayKit.

I cannot find any faults in your code and you should better try sending a bug report to Apple.

The range of position is the same for both interpolatedValueAtPosition and valueAtPosition. What happens if you don't divide x by 256?
Oh never mind, I'm wrong about that.