User Access

Hi there,
We are developing and releasing multiple apps for different clients. Right now, we have the problem that the clients can see each other's app, which should not be the case. For each App, we have the developing role and not the admin role. If we check in our account, Users and Access page, all our client's accounts are there with the "Apps" column selected as "All Apps". By choosing the option to change a user App access, we get the error message: "You cannot edit app access for xyz user. Only active users with App Manager, Developer, Marketing, or Sales roles can be edited."

  • How is it possible to change these clients so that they only see "Their app"?
  • How comes that we can see all the users from the client in our "Users and Access" page?
  • Are the client's users linked to our account? How is that possible?
  • How comes the clients have the role "Admin, Account holder" and we as a developer have only App Manager?
  • We are not able to delete them from our Users and Access page

Thank you for any help


>We are developing and releasing multiple apps for different clients

Can you confirm each client owns their own developer program account in the store?

Many issues here. You want to set up multiple Accounts; each account will be set up under the Apple ID of, and owned by, one of your clients. You will be listed only as the 'developer' on those accounts. You might give yourself other rights under that account. If you looked for apps under your Apple ID you would see all of your clients' apps because you are listed as 'developer' under all of those accounts. But if any of your clients looked for apps they would see only their app.