MyVPN didn't call subclass of NEPacketTunnelProvider


I'm try to develop a VPN app for my self (macOS app).

But when I make a call:

let session: NETunnelProviderSession = tunnelManager?.connection as! NETunnelProviderSession
        do {
            log.debug("[SESSION][STATUS] \(session.status.rawValue)")
            try session.sendProviderMessage(data, responseHandler: completionHandler)
        } catch {
            log.error("Failed to send message to VpnExtension")

The sub-class of NEPacketTunnelProvider didn't call.

I also configured the .entitlements files with:

- Code signing: set auto from xcode anf valid.

- Network Extension with package tunnel enabled.

- Personal VPN: allow

- App group: same group for app and network extension target.

- Keychain access group: enabled and set to same value.

So, anyone can help me or suggestion?

Thank for your reply.


Accepted Reply

A few key points here; VPNs created with NEPacketTunnelProvider and NETunnelProviderManager are Enterprise VPNs, not personal VPNs. If you are wanting to create a personal VPN I would investigate using NEVPNManger. Next, if you did intend on creating an Enterprise VPN then did you apply and obtain the entitlement (Keychain access Groups)? You will need to do so before activating the VPN. Quinn wrote an excellent post on how to apply for this entitlement on the Network Extension Framework Entitlement post here.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at


A few key points here; VPNs created with NEPacketTunnelProvider and NETunnelProviderManager are Enterprise VPNs, not personal VPNs. If you are wanting to create a personal VPN I would investigate using NEVPNManger. Next, if you did intend on creating an Enterprise VPN then did you apply and obtain the entitlement (Keychain access Groups)? You will need to do so before activating the VPN. Quinn wrote an excellent post on how to apply for this entitlement on the Network Extension Framework Entitlement post here.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at

Thank you!

After add ``, the subclass provider was called.

